(510) 643-0841
UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
Rabani Group | Faculty Profile
Eran Rabani is a Professor of Theoretical Chemistry at the University of California, Berkeley, a Faculty Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and the Founder and Director of the Sackler Institute for Computational Molecular and Materials Science at Tel Aviv University.
In 1991 Rabani received his B.Sc. (summa cum laude) in the Special Program “Amirim” and in 1996 he completed his doctoral work as a Clore fellow, both at The Hebrew University. Between 1996 and 1999 he served as research scientist at Columbia University where he completed his post-doctoral work as a Rothschild and Fulbright fellow. He returned to Israel as an Alon fellow in 1999 to the Department of Chemical Physics at Tel Aviv University and moved to the Department of Chemistry, University of California Berkeley in 2014. In addition, Prof. Rabani held visiting positions at Harvard (2000-2004), Columbia (2005-2006), Ecole Normale Superieure (2008-2009), University of Texas, Auston (2009), and the University of California, Berkeley (2010-2011). He served as the director of the undergraduate program at the School of Chemistry (2006-2009), the chair of the Chemical Physics Department (2006-2010), the director of the Sackler Institute for Chemical Physics (2006-2010), and the Vice President for Research and Development at Tel Aviv University (2012).
Rabani’s research involves the development of theoretical and computational tools to investigate fundamental properties of nanostructures. His research covers structural, electronic and optical properties of nanocrystals, doping of nanoparticles, exciton and multiexciton dynamics at the nanoscale, and transport in correlated nano-junctions. Much of this relies on the development of stochastic electronic structure techniques to describe the ground and excited state properties in large-scale nanostructures. In addition, Prof. Rabani has pioneered real-time approaches to nonequilibrium many-body quantum dynamics to describe quantum liquid and glasses and to explore electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions in nano-junctions. His work has been published in prestigious academic journals. He received numerous awards and honors including the Visiting Miller Professorship, The Bruno Memorial Award, the Israel Chemical Society award, the Friedenberg Foundation award, The Bergman award, Patai award, and the Elving award.
![]() Postdoctoral Scholar Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory & UC Berkeley |
John Philbin Graduate Student Researcher UC Berkeley |